Language: Chinese line English

Kit series

  • Urinary catheterization kit
  • Urinary catheterization kit
Urinary catheterization kitUrinary catheterization kit

Urinary catheterization kit

  • Product description: Urinary catheterization kit

1. 导尿管 Catheter    1PCS

2. 纱布块 Gauze block   5×7  1PCS

3. 刷子 Scrub   1PCS

4. 镊子 Tweezer  1PCS

5. 手套 Gloves   1PCS

6. 石蜡油棉球 Paraffin cotton ball 1PCS

7. 导尿碗Catheter bowl  1PCS

8. 洞巾Hole towel  40×50  1PCS

9. 包布Wrapper  40×50  1PCS

10. 引流袋  Drainage bag   1PCS

11. 小托盘 Tray   1PCS

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